Track Your Health
Our app was designed to help you track your health by observing key biomarkers such as cervical fluid, bleeding, physical symptoms like cramps and acne, and emotional symptoms like depression, moodiness, etc. These biomarkers are indicators of the hormonal interplay that is occurring throughout your cycle. That's why it is important for you to learn how to chart.
As you chart with our app, you will begin to see the pattern of your cycle. The more cycles you chart, the clearer you should be able to see this pattern.
Some of the things you will be able to determine through charting are:
- average length of your cycle
- quality and length of your bleeding
- point of ovulation at each cycle
- length of your luteal phase

What is your cycle telling you?
Average Length of Your Cycle
Research says that average cycle length is between 24-36 days. A longer or shorter cycle could indicate a possible hormonal imbalance. Talking to a FEMM doctor or visiting a Health Center near you is strongly advised if your average cycle length falls too far out of the normal range.
What if you are usually in the normal range but your cycle deviates? Think about what you've been doing during this time. Your hormones can be affected by stress, lack of sleep, medication or eating habits. Try to live a healthy lifestyle and see if that puts you back on track.
Point of Ovulation
Just by looking at your chart, you should be able to determine when you ovulated. This is indicated by the last blue day that you had. Determining your point of ovulation is specially important to managing your fertility as it is an indicator of your cycle's fertile window.
Length of Luteal Phase
Your luteal phase begins after your ovulation and consists of gray days. The luteal phase for the average woman is about 9-18 days. This would indicate that you are producing healthy levels of progesterone.